
周四,Thursday, October 5th, 2023, 6-9 PM
Prestonwood Country Club300 Prestonwood Pkwy, Cary, NC 27513
男士晚礼服或传统服装,女士欢迎穿旗袍和晚礼裙,从工作单位赶来参加活动的business casual 也没问题。期待晚宴上各种美女百花齐放的?裙子!
5:30 pm 宾客开始入场,建议大家尽量5:30到达。
6:15pm 州长Governor Cooper 到场,跟宾客聊天拍照
6:45pm 集体照 Group Photo
6:50pm 旗袍开场 Qipao Show by the Qipao Association of North Carolina
6:55pm 主持人宣布晚宴开始,介绍民选官员和VIP Sponsors
7:00pm 州长和嘉宾讲话
7:25 pm 晚宴
8:00 pm 小提琴演奏《月亮代表我的心》
8:10 pm 国会议员讲话
8:20 pm 表演
- 《明月千里寄相思》演唱:鲍德强
- 《Never Enough》 演唱:Rebecca Yao
8:30pm 自由聊天(难忘今宵背景音乐)
Dear friends and supporters,
We are thrilled you are coming to the Moon Festival Fundraiser for Rep. Liu. Not only we will have the opportunity to support Ya and celebrate , but also we are honored to have Governor Roy Cooper celebrating this traditional holiday with the Chinese community.
To ensure a formal and festival atmosphere, we kindly request that all attendees adhere to a business formal dress code for this event. We believe this will add an extra touch of respect and celebration to the occasion. (men: suit with ties and dress shoes, women: suit or dress or cheongsam with closed toe heels or dress shoes ).
Thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to seeing you at our event this Thursday!
Event information:
Thursday, October 5th
2023, 6-9 PM
Prestonwood Country Club
300 Prestonwood Pkwy, Cary, NC 27513