听众中,高中10年级学生Caroline Wang是唯一从头到尾聆听并认真做笔记的人。下面是她根据记录整理的陈航博士讲座的核心内容,以及她本人的感受和心得。

■作者:王宣宣 (华e生活编译)
陈博士的演讲中一个重要的要点是寻找你的目标和激情。她鼓励观众找出他们的“结合点” ,即技能、激情、兴趣、知识和专业的独特组合。这个组合可以让你与众不同。一个充实的职业应该是对真正的激情和兴趣的追求,是一段将你更接近真正自我的旅程。


PIE 方法:绩效、形象、曝光
在演讲接近尾声时,陈博士介绍了 PIE 职业发展方法。
- 绩效(Performance):展示你在向上发展的成就和兴趣。管理者通常愿意帮助和指导那些对组织的成功做出贡献的人,前提是他们表达了在组织内晋升的意愿和兴趣。
- 形象(Image):通过你在日常工作中的表现来投射你的需求和目标。
- 曝光(Exposure):获得实现目标和抱负所需的技能和经验。

Strategizing Your Career Pathway -Insights from Dr. Helen Chen
Date: October 14,2023
Location: Chapel Hill Chinese School
Author: Caroline Wang
A recent presentation by Dr. Helen Chen at Chapel Hill Chinese School was more than a typical lecture; it was a down-to-earth and comprehensive delve into the pathways of personal and career development, how to navigate them at any stage in our lives, what Dr. Chen’s own journey to success looked like, and the wisdom and lessons she drew from each step of the way.
Dr. Chen, a respected academic leader and Senior Vice Provost for Instructional Programs at NC State University, left an indelible impression on the student and parents attendees, including myself. Her distinguished background and affiliations with prestigious organizations underscored the depth of knowledge she brought to the table, making her insights all the more impactful.
I had the incredible opportunity to listen to her two hour deep dive into strategizing career pathways through actionable tips and trends in the professional setting. Coming out with much more confidence in my knowledge of navigating my fields of interest, I’ve compiled a few of my key takeaways in the following brief.
Key Takeaways from Dr. Helen Chen’s Presentation:
The Elevator Pitch
Dr. Chen began by stressing the importance of an effective elevator pitch. This short and sweet introduction should pique the interest of individuals or organizations you network with. It’s a chance to make a lasting impression—craft it carefully to convey your passion, purpose, and what sets you apart. An elevator pitch is key for polished communication and a great example of making first impressions that last. In the world of careers, your ability to grab someone’s attention within seconds can be a career-defining skill.
Finding Purpose and Passion
One of the cornerstones of Dr. Chen’s presentation was the idea of finding your purpose and passion. She
encouraged the audience to identify their”spike”-that unique blend of skills, passion, interests, knowledge, and expertise that sets them apart. This was a resounding reminder that a fulfilling career should be a pursuit of genuine passion and interests, a journey that takes you closer to your authentic self.
Growth Mindset
The notion of a growth mindset encourages everyone to step out of their comfort zones to explore new and novel possibilities and paths. Dr. Chen stressed the importance of believing in your ability to acquire and refine skills to drive yourself into uncharted territories for remarkable personal and professional growth. This lesson reminds us that growth and learning don’t happen within the realm of the familiar; they require the courage to explore the unknown.
Communication Skills
Emphasizing the importance of soft skills, Dr. Chen drove home the point that success isn’t just about what you say but how you make others feel. She highlighted expressing your intent and finding common ground when working with others. Being comfortable in your own skin and embracing your uniqueness can help you stand out in your field.
Giving Back to the Community
Dr. Chen’s emphasis on giving back to the community wasn’t just an altruistic gesture; it was a strategic move. As a leader or team member, your ability to impact your surroundings and uplift others is a key factor in career advancement. She recognized that our networks and influence grow as we contribute to the world around us. Her words reminded us that leadership isn’t about taking but giving, and the more you give, the more you receive.
Balancing Passion, Market Demand, and Skills
The Ikigai venn diagram concept Dr. Chen brought up was one of my favorite parts of the presentation. It was an idea that mirrored the complex reality of career planning, where we often find ourselves at the intersection of passion, market demand, and skills. This concept was a reminder that success isn’t just about chasing a paycheck or pursuing your interests; it’s about finding that elusive balance that aligns with the ever-evolving needs of the world.
The PIE Approach: Performance,Image, Exposure
Nearing the end of her presentation, Dr. Chen introduced the PIE approach to career development.
“Performance” involves showcasing your achievements and interests in upward movement; Managers are often willing to help and guide individuals who contribute to the success of the organization, so long as they express their intent and interest in moving up within the organization. “Image” emphasizes projecting your needs and goals through how you present yourself on a day-to-day basis, while “Exposure” is about gaining the skills and experience required to reach your objectives and aspirations.
Building Relationships
Dr. Chen suggested that individuals should invest time and effort in helping others get to know them before making requests. This approach can lead to more meaningful and effective recommendations when the time comes. She stressed the value of building relationships before seeking recommendations, a strategy that can lead to more effective and meaningful recommendations in the future.
Life is a Series of Sprints, Not a Marathon
To wrap it all up, we received a key piece of advice regarding our work ethic and approach to life. Dr. Chen
reminded us that life is not a marathon. Rather, it is a series of sprints, where we can take time to rest, recharge, and reflect every so often: to slow down, appreciate the sunshine, and smell the flowers before forging ahead once more.
Success is all about sustaining excellence through a balanced and measured approach, something that we should keep in our minds and hearts as we navigate the many twists and turns of life, personally and professionally.
As students, parents, and members of the community, Dr. Chen’s insights were received with profound gratitude. Her presentation was a bridge that connected academia and the real world, providing a roadmap for both students and parents, guiding us through the ebbs and flows of career development. Her inspiring guidance, rooted in her extensive background, was a key to success for all who were in attendance that afternoon.
As a student and aspiring community leader, I found immense value in Dr. Chen’s visit, and I hope you’ll take away as much inspiration and wisdom from this review as I did from her enriching presentation.