【华e生活特约陈旭报道】春光明媚,万物复苏。由南北卡亚太裔联合商会、南北卡艺术团联合主办的 “春的呼唤”2025大型音乐盛典,将于2025年3月16日在位于夏洛特市中心的豪华布斯剧院拉开帷幕。
布斯剧院隶属的布卢门撒尔艺术( Blumenthal Arts) ,旗下有 Belk Theater、布斯剧院及 Stage Door Theater三个大型剧院,是夏洛特首屈一指的艺术场馆。
2025年3月16日 下午2:30点
布斯剧院 Booth Playhouse
130 N Tryon St, Charlotte, NC 28202


A Celebration of Spring: “The Call of Spring” at Booth Playhouse
As the warmth of spring awakens the natural world, it also inspires a celebration of arts and culture. Carolinas AAPI Business Alliance and “Carolina Art Troupe”, proudly present “The Call of Spring”, a concert embracing the beauty of this season.
Chinese artistic elites from nine cities across the Carolinas, along with captivating dance and music showcases from Indian, Filipino, and other ethnic communities, and the participation of the Carolina Opera, all highlight the fact that this concert stands as the most professionally accomplished and comprehensive celebration of Asian artists in recent years.
This extraordinary event brings together a diverse array of talented artists, including Chinese art elites from nine different cities, dancers and musicians from India,Philippines, and other ethnic communities. The esteemed Carolina Opera will also join this collaboration, promising a truly exceptional and enriching experience for the audience.
Prepare to be captivated by a showcase of top-tier talent and artistry. “The Call of Spring” promises an afternoon of unforgettable performances.
Event Details:
- Date: March 16, 2025
- Time: 2:30 PM
- Location: Booth Playhouse
- Address:130 N Tryon St, Charlotte, NC 28202
“The Call of Spring” will sound on a beautiful spring afternoon; the organizing committee will open ticket sales channels online and offline, please stay tuned and see you there.
The Booth Theater is affiliated with Blumenthal Arts, which owns three large theaters, Belk Theater, Booth Playhouse and Stage Door Theater. It is Charlotte’s leading art venue.
The link to buy tickets online:https://www.blumenthalarts.org/events/detail/the-call-of-spring