【卡罗莱纳站报道】2月24日发起,3月14日开始正式上课,到5月16日开总结大会,第30组北卡华二代孙凡一(Tom Sun)的8周连线教学总结,有感而发、引经据典、文采斐然(全文附后)。170个美国南北卡和武汉孩子的丰硕收获,让这场连线教学活动的策划组织者及家长们深感欣慰。
创新教育基金会主席吕勇,为双方家长和学生安排了3次培训会,以便他们掌握ZOOM使用方法。38个组绝大部分每组4人,美国华裔以教为主,每组指定一位高年级学生作为组长;每六七组任命一位项目经理,由高中学生担任,跟踪负责各小组的教学互动情况;指定两位学生担任IT管理员,负责上传每组的教学日志。所有的报名、组队、学习资料及教学跟踪信息,都展示在三角创新教育基金会网站(http://tcefnc.org)专门开设的“支持中国(Support China)”专题中。


First of all, I would like to thank the organizers of this activity, you let me pick up the feeling of English again. Since I came back from Americamore than ten months ago, I have very little chance to speak English. I am very unfamiliar with English. But this time, you not only give me agood opportunity, a good platform, but also let me make friends with different styles. Let me not only go further in language, but also in habitsand ideas of life.
Finally, I want to thank Yaoyao’s mother. In the first few meetings, we were not very active, but you pulled us together in a friendly way. In fact, its not difficult to get out of the original small circle, just take a step forward fearlessly and succeed.

Leo Yang 杨翼成
The experience with the SupportChina program was great. I got to meet a few people that I hadn’t known before, and I got to know them pretty well by the end of these few weeks. A summary of what we did during the meeting was selecting an article for the people from China to read, and we would correct their pronunciation and explain some concepts/definitions, and at the end we would pick out an article for them to read next week.

Larry Zhao赵天健
The support china program has taught me many things. Patience from waiting for people to join and times when no one joined, combating laziness by forcing myself to send an email even when I don’t feel like it, and most importantly, leadership by making me manage a group of people and lead meetings.
Overall, I enjoyed the support china program. I’ve learned many things from it such as patience and leadership. I have had a good time in general and am a bit sad that the program is finally ending. These two months passed by in a flash and I hope that I can get out of quarantine soon.

Jonathan Zhao赵天行
I was surprised at how diligent the China team was, as they were always really focused and ready to learn. Not only did they try their best to read the passage and answer the questions, they also listened carefully when the US team explained any mistakes. Overall, I feel that the China team improved in their vocabulary and pronunciation, but they could still work on their fluency. Although they were able to read the sentences without much of a problem, there was still some hesitation and random pauses in between words.
All in all, I really enjoyed my time participating in the study group. It was nice to be able to help others in a subject that I was rather confident in. I’m sure that my group members also find that these meetings were very helpful.

James Hou侯文璟(武汉)
This is the first time I have a talk with local American people specifically.Before this my English teachers are all Chinese, so I feel lucky to have this chance to learn authentic English by this activity. During this two months,I think I not only learn about English words, grammar and speaking, but also learn about English culture that I didn’t know before such as some interested pronouns and excited school life.Our view is wider than before.What’s more, it built a friendly relationship between students in this two country.This activity will become a unforgettable experience and memory in my student life.
Today it’s the most difficult time fighting with the COVID-19. It’s very lucky that we met each other.A Chinese saying goes :the bright moon shines over the sea; from far away we share this moment together. In this special time, I want to say “Thank you” to every people I met in the past two month. It’s a treasure in my life.

In this short period of ten classes, I learned a lot of things, such as many words I had never known before, as well as some cultures of European and American countries, or made three or four new friends, which made me very happy and unforgettable. In addition, I learned about what American teenagers do and do in daily life from these texts, which broadened my horizon and increased my knowledge. Although I have been to France as an exchange student before and experienced the European and American cultures, there are many differences between this activity and that one. For example, this activity helps us to know more about foreign cultures. We can study at home in this activity, which truly realizes the “online study tour”. I’m glad I took part in this activity!

James Xiao肖华
This has been an amazing and great time being able to teach others and get to learn from them to. From this program I was able to learn how to teach and what it is like to prepare and share lessons with others. During these weeks, our progress was significant because by lesson 8, they had learned much more and knew more than from the beginning. From both us and the Wuhan students we had learned a lot about each other’s cultures and about the country. We had developed this friendship that I don’t want to leave since it has been quite some time together.

Zhuoying Liang梁卓盈
What I learned from this experience was that the Wuhan students have strong reading and pronunciation skills. They were a little shy and nervous to speak and ask questions but it helped with a lot of encouragement from the US members. An obstacle we encountered was both the US members struggled with Chinese fluency so sometimes the Wuhan kids might’ve not fully understood the meanings despite our explanations. This program gave me an opportunity to improve my Chinese translation, teaching, and organization skills.

Allen Xu
They had some pronunciation issuesduring the first few weeks, but after a few sessions, they were able to pronounce almost all of the wordscorrectly. Their ELA comprehension has significantly improved. During the first few classes, they hadtrouble telling us the main idea of some paragraphs, but the last few sessions they knew a lot moreabout what the main idea of the passage was. Another significant improvement they have developedwas that their vocabulary has be expanded tenfold. Before, they didn’t know 25% of the words in thearticle, but after a while, that percentage has been shrunken to virtually nothing. So overall, thisexperience is very soothing and I would love to do this again.

As the activity ends , I wanna share some of my feelings . Besides learning the articles, every time we chat , they may ask “What’s your favorite book?” Actually, I haven’t read much, so it’s a embarrassing topic for me. But it also reminds me of my shortcoming. Reading is a part of their life. When they happy, they read. When they confused, they read. When they boring , they read…… But what about me? I surf the Internet as soon as I have time. I was stupid and I must try to read more.
Another hot topic is dream. When they talk about their dreams, I can tell hope fills their eyes .And they are ready to make their dreams come true and have plans. I have no dream! I’m not talented. So what can I do and what will I be? It’s a question to regard seriously.

Ethan He 何羿鸿
In my opinion, I think the Help China program was a great way to help the kids in Wuhan who want to learn and get better with English. There were so many volunteers and so many Wuhan children that were eager to be in this program. Here are some major pros and cons that came with this process.
Us American students being able to help the Wuhan students who weren’t as good in English really benefited both sides. We got some experience with teaching, setting up classes, and speaking, while the Wuhan students got better at speaking, reading, and understanding English. I appreciate the fact that we were actually all very close in age. This helped us relate and get to know each other better.

Shelly Han(韩雪妮)
Personally, I’m also really grateful for this experience. Even though we read English passages together and worked to try to improve our English reading skills, we would communicate and discuss in Chinese, so I learned a lot of Chinese from the Wuhan student. I also loved being able to hear about the opinions from the perspective of a student in Wuhan and be able to compare our lifestyles.

Leo Hu
These past eight weeks have been nothing but a pleasant learning experience for me. Beyond having the privilege to teach and learn alongside some of the most enthusiastic and eager kids I’ve had the chance to interact with, I’ve also realized that the dichotomy we once thought existed between children in different parts of the globe may not be as great as we perceived it to be, or perhaps never existed in the first place.
To be frank, I found it to be very mundane at the start. Every lesson was just a repetitive cycle of correcting mistakes and explaining new words. But after a few more encounters, I came to the realization that my serendipitous encounter with these children would have a lasting impact on all of our lives, especially in a time of pandemic. For them, it was a way out of their world; a world ridden with the virus and little social interaction. It was a way for them to experience the world which they’ve heard glorified time and time again. For me, it offered insight into the country my parents have described to me since childhood. Ultimately, I believe that these lessons offered a much deeper learning experience than just English.

孙凡一 (Tom Sun)
It is a great honor for me to be there teaching such an astonishing language to people who wanted to learn. I’d like to give my thanks to my team leader, Shelly, and the learner from Wuhan. It has been only a few weeks and I can already sense the fact that China is a proud country with magnificent people and is filled with a strong sense of nationalism. I’d like to learn more about Kids from Wuhan. They really do know a lot of English and they are very smart indeed. Now I understand what President Richard Milhous Nixon felt when he said, “As you said in your toast, the Chinese people are a great people; the American people are a great people… We have great differences today. What brings us together is that we have common interests that transcend those differences.”
In class, we learn from each other, although we have different senses of logic, knowledge, and opinion. In this talk today, I am going to talk about our differences and our common interests. I am going to talk about differences first. As you know, different countries teach their citizens different beliefs, so we, Chinese Americans, will surely have different views in politics and many other things. I am sure that I see more than the learner from Wuhan, and I don’t think that naming examples will be necessary. The learner from Wuhan was definitely smarter and knew more than me for that not she is more experienced, but for that she works very hard in what she is doing.
An example can be that she will always search up English words that she doesn’t know before I even tell her what it means. We all have different aspects of history because she read off history textbooks, but I read from all versions of books and explore my own ideas. A wise person once told me: “If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.”Everyone should read different books and form their own opinions, so if you are reading what everyone else is reading, then you won’t know how to think and expand your creativity.If you want to know the world, you must read the ancient and modern books.
No offense, but history textbooks are only a version of what a person thinks, we should look at things with different perspectives: just like the sun is diminutive when we are far away, but larger when we are closer. We all do different things but what delivers us all together is that we all want to learn from each other. Yes, that’s our common interest, we all want to learn, even if we live a different life, and we have a different environment. Learning is how we improve as human beings and by sending that knowledge to other people, we learn more.
Learning is giving.
Giving is Appreciating.
Appreciating is gathering.
Gathering is evolving.
Evolving is learning.
Evolving is learning.
I may ought to stop here, and just leave the entire script where it is, but what our common interest is to not to be disregarded. We all know good will prevail over evil, we all know world peace is a vital thing, we all know how to tolerate each other, and there are more: we know to be respectful and we know that learning from each other is the biggest thing that made us different from wild beasts. I would like to leave with a positive note here, with frankness, I think that this class advanced my learning of other cultures and increased my knowledge. Our difference is what makes us unique and our common interest is what brings us together.